This morning when I opened the windows to open the shutters in Mia´s bedroom I was greeted by birdsong and bright sunshine and blue sky. How lovely! Mind you it is freezing today and the forecast is for snow over the next few days. But it has stopped raining.
Today I am meeting some British mums from school for a lunch at the local Italian restaurant to plan for the British stall at our school´s International day next month. I have never met most of them so it will be a nice opportunity to get to know more people. I didn´t even realise there were so many British families at the school.
Our animals are doing fine. They make strange little squeaks and rustles which I´m just getting used to. Right now Lexus is crunching on some Swedish knekebrød (it´s that cardboard like stuff we have in Uk called Ryvita I think...) .
how interesting...
oh,I hope the Lexus and Milou behave well! It seeems like they have fun..Thanks Elaine,for having them! You are an angel! talk tomorrow,need to sleep....Lotta
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