Wednesday, 5 March 2008

High heels and sore feet

Today it was below freezing and we had to scrape ice off the car before going to school.  Then after drop off Lotta and I took the train into Paris.    We were heading for the Swedish Embassy to collect something for Lotta when we saw a beautiful magnolia tree in full bloom.  Then we passed the Invalides and the Musee Rodin.   Both of these I really want to visit one day.  Then off to a cafe for brunch.  It was on Place du Marche Saint Honore and is called Le Pain Quotidien.  I think it is a chain with a few places in Paris.  They sell organic bakery products and jams.  It´s a lovely place with old uneven (I nearly tripped twice!) floorboards and wooden furniture.  They sell salads and quiches and things too.  
After that we sauntered slowly towards Place de Madeleine and to the train station St.Lazare. On the way, we found a lovely English bookshop close to the Opera.  
My feet are sooooo sore.  I have to admit that maybe I need to sacrifice style for comfort.  It just isn´t practical to walk all day in Paris in high heeled boots.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree! But you looked really "parisienne" in your high heels, though.. Thanks for today!Lotta