Tuesday, 4 March 2008


Today I went to our local shopping centre or "Mall" as the Americans call it, Parly II.  I decided that as the weather was changing and Spring was in the air that we all need some new clothes maybe.......zero degrees this morning!!  I´m hoping it´s just temporary and that warmer weather is really just around the corner.  A bit like the Japanese with their cherry blossom, I can measure the arrival of Spring by checking our wisteria tree.  The little furry buds have appeared already.  It will be in gorgeous full bloom by the end of March I believe.  So anyway, back to Parly II.  Isn´t it always the same when you decide to spend some money that you just can´t find something you like?  I thought I might get a couple of new things that are not black for a change and ended up buying nothing for myself and clothes for Mia and Ben instead.  Oh well, next time.  

Bye the way, the flower above is something I bought at our local garden centre last week.  I´m not sure what it is, but the flowers are just starting to open and bring a splash of colour to my coffee table.

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