Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Back to School

First day back at school today.  Mia was delighted to find that her friend Mackenzie is in the same class and their desks are close too.  Unfortunately Wilhelm is in the other 2nd grade class.  The two classes will still spend time together at gym and in the playground and at lunch so they can still see each other.

Ben is happy to be back.  His advisor is the MUN teacher that he knows well and likes.  So far so good....

Jarle is home at the red house to go to the Offshore North Sea conference.  However, Jarl Christian in some misguided wisdom had switched off the fridge freezer before leaving in July and the contents of the freezer (chicken and salmon mostly) had gone off (that's putting it mildly, from what I understand the content of the freezer was putrified).  This has caused an infestation of flies.  Seems like we need professional cleaners to sort this out.  The house stinks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about red house.
Just as well Jarle went back now and not at Xmas.
Glad kids like being back at school.
G&G xx