Friday, 29 August 2008

Musee Carnavalet - history of Paris

Today Lotta and I set off for Paris straight after drop off at school.  We visited the Museum Carnavalet in the Marais area.  The museum is in two adjoining mansions and houses paintings, furniture and small items from earliest times in Paris through to the 20th century.  We were particularly interested in the period of Louis 15th and 16th and the Revolution.  They had pieces of hair from Marie Antoinette, Louis 16th and their children.  A bit creepy but interesting.  Some of the art depicting scenes of the guilitine  were quite horrible.  Lovely buildings and pretty formal gardens in the courtyard, plus it was free entrance!

After lunch we walked almost the whole length of Rue de Rivoli for a bit of light shopping.  This tower near to the Hotel de Ville has recently been cleaned.  It is called Tour Saint Jacques and is a gothic former bell-tower of the Saint-Jacques-de-la-Boucherie church. The church was destroyed during the Revolution.
Since 1891 it has become a meteorologic station in which, among other things, are measured the air quality and pollution level in Paris.

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