Taking the sea route into town. Snow on the Alps.

Whales at Marineland, in the rain.

We are back from one week visiting our new flat in Antibes. The weather was lovely when we arrived (with only two folding chairs to sit on and two mattresses and two inflatable beds!) and we enjoyed breakfast on the terrace. The kitchen is almost finished, minus washing machine (rather inconvenient as I had deliberately not packed enough clothes for the whole week so that we could try out the new machine) and granite worktop. However, Ikea delivered on time as promised but unfortunately the sofa and chair were the wrong colour! A really horrible mustard colour when we wanted a lovely dark brown...... The poor delivery men had to carry it back down the two flights of stairs as the lift is not working yet. After a conversation with a stroppy woman from Ikea they agreed to order a new set for us. It will hopefully be available for delivery for the Thanksgiving weekend when we go down next.
So apart from that, me and the kids enjoyed a day at Marineland while Jarle flew back to Paris for a meeting. Then it started to rain, and boy did it rain? We were dressed for a lovely sunny day and had to buy two umbrellas and take the bus instead of walking and STILL got soaked. It rained a lot from then onwards.
We did manage to buy lovely garden furniture, a table and six chairs and a sofa group with table for the terrace but which we used inside for the moment.