Saturday, 11 October 2008

Friday - Ile de la cite

I am officially on the Friday walking tour now, yippee.  We met on the square in front of Notre Dame on the island which is where the earliest Parisians settled.  We went underground to visit the crypt where remains of cellars from the middle ages and from Roman times were found in the 1970's when a carpark was being built!  Luckily they saved the remains and they can now be viewed by the public.  We saw the remains of the Roman central heating system and bath houses.  They were very advanced in those times, what happened in between??  It was very interesting.
Then we moved on to Saint Chapel which was built by Louis the 9th in the 12th century to house holy relics which he apparently bought from the Turks because they really needed the cash to try to save the Byzantine empire.  So the church contained the crown of thorns, nails and bits of the cross of Jesus.  During the French revolution however, the relics were moved to Notre Dame for safety and are still there now!
The Chapel is the only building of its kind with such a large number of stained glass windows.  It is very beautiful.
Afterwards me and Lotta dashed off to Le Marais to buy falafel for lunch.  Vegetarian fast food Jewish style - perfect.

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