Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Coffee morning and field trip

Mia and her friend Mackenzie
A triceratops, apparently!
Yesterday morning I went to a coffee morning hosted by an ASP mum who lives nearby.  I met a few new people which was lovely but I do have a different feeling about meeting new people now because I know we are leaving at the end of the school year.  There doesn't seem much point in getting to know new people now only to say goodbye in a few months......
I was asked to go along on the 2nd grade field trip today.  Woke up feeling really rough this morning as I have a cold and my head is stuffed, but I had said I would go as a parent "helper" so I took a couple of lemsip and set off.  We visited the skeleton/fossil museum at the Jardin des Plantes.  The kids have been studying dinosaurs........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks interesting, Pity you was not feeling too good.
hope you feel better soon.