Sunday, 28 August 2011


Weather is very changeable right now.  It was 19 degrees yesterday and today it is twelve and wet wild and windy.  Walked on a beach locally known as dog beach with Carolyn, her husband and daughter and dog Tilly (Zizou's favourite dog in the world) Mia and Zizou of course, this morning.  Zizou didn't stop running for an hour and a half!  We met loads of other dogs but Zizou only has eyes for Tilly.

It certainly blew the cobwebs away!

Last weekend we were down at the cabin Saturday to Sunday.  Mia had her friend Rannveig with us and they enjoyed catching crabs and starfish etc.

We are already planning the next holiday.  Not long until the autumn school holidays......  We are off to Paris and Antibes.  The flat is empty the whole of September if anyone is interested in renting it.


Marjory said...

Good photo,s Wet and windy here today as well.

Anonymous said...

Hej!!!! okt 7-9 or/and London nov 18-20 (wine thingy again, I guess ;-) )......i´ll have to see about that, but it would be absolutely lovely to catch up with you in paris really quick..i´ll check with Joan, if i can stay at her´s and will check train /flight..cant promis as we are going to swe for the fall break, but i´ll look into it! Hugs, Lotta