Friday, 17 December 2010

Let it snow.....

Feeling Christmassy, playing Christmas songs on the ipal and wrapping pressies.  JC came home from Trondheim yesterday and we have snow which will probably stay for Christmas.

This week Mia performed with the other "aspiring" band members at the school band concert in the nearby church.  She was very good of course and we were so proud.

Ben had his juleball or Christmas dance at school last night.  He is head of the student committee so was helping set up and clear up.  Apparently it was "ok, same as last year" so I think he enjoyed himself.

Here is our pepperkakehus or gingerbread house.  Last year we had a whale on the roof and this time it's spooky eyes.....whatever next?

Also a picture of Mia's artwork from school.  Sooooo creative and cute don't you think?


Marjory said...

Love the gingerbread house and Mia's craft work is very good.
Everything looks christmassy.

Anonymous said...

Hei Mia.
Kjempeflott julemotiv du har laget.
Pepperkakehuset var også fint.
Kjekt at vi har pc, ellers hadde vi kunne vi ikke sett det du hadde laget.
Julehilsen fra farmor og farfar

Unknown said...

lovely looking cake, very tasty and Mia's nativity egg box is superb xxxx