Tuesday, 1 June 2010


So it is just like being back in France.  Teachers, nurses and other council workers are on strike.  Oh actually the nurses are back to work today.  This is Mia's third day off school because all the teachers at her school are on strike.  Only selected schools are striking on behalf of all teachers and it happens to be Mia's school.  Ben is at school as normal, for the moment but they are talking about stepping up the strike action tomorrow.

Not taken any good photos lately so thought I would put one on that my friend Wendy took of me at her birthday party.


Marjory said...

Mia will be enjoying a break from school. Good photo. Your hair is getting quite long again.

Anonymous said...

You look so cute in long hair!
Do you want me to send you that book about Catherine de Medici? Super good! Lotta