Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Oil Museum

We had another lovely weekend at the cabin.  This week we are pottering about.  Today Mia and I went to the oil museum and then had lunch at the restaurant at the museum.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Officially Summer

School finishes today.  The sun is not shining but can't complain really as we have had no rain for a while. We had a lovely time at the cabin last weekend, except for a bit of drama with the boat!  The steering broke and then the engine would only run at a very slow speed so it was a bit tricky getting back to the harbour.

Anyway, we are planning on going down this weekend too, Jarle is going to take Friday off work so we can go Thursday evening.

Here is Zizou relaxing at the cabin.

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Winding down

for the Summer holidays.

Mia and Ben are not doing much real work at school this week.  Lots of trips out and about and tidying the classroom.  Next week they have only 2 days of school then it is officially the holidays.

We are off to the cabin this weekend Friday to Sunday, fingers crossed for nice weather.

Friday, 11 June 2010

World Cup

Not really planning on watching much of the world cup but can't really avoid it.  So the first match.....what was that annoying sound like a huge swarm of bees ALL THE TIME?????  Turns out I am not the only one who noticed.  I "googled" it and found out it is a sort of horn called the vuvuzela which is very popular among South Africans especially at football matches.   Sooooooo annoying.

What would we do without Google?

Happy Birthday to


Our little puppy is one year old today.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Summer in Sørlandet

I think it is Summer now and we have to make the most of every ray of sunshine because it might just all go away......

Due to teacher strike, we could go down to the cabin on Thursday.  Had to come back today though as Mia has a birthday party.  Jarle took Friday off work but as you see from the photo he spent quite some time on the phone.

21 degrees down there, 13 here!!!!


A proper Schnauzer again!

Tuesday, 1 June 2010


So it is just like being back in France.  Teachers, nurses and other council workers are on strike.  Oh actually the nurses are back to work today.  This is Mia's third day off school because all the teachers at her school are on strike.  Only selected schools are striking on behalf of all teachers and it happens to be Mia's school.  Ben is at school as normal, for the moment but they are talking about stepping up the strike action tomorrow.

Not taken any good photos lately so thought I would put one on that my friend Wendy took of me at her birthday party.