Saturday, 13 March 2010

Quiet weekend

Jarle is off to Manchester to visit a colleague from his days in the Aberdeen office.  They are going to a football match.....yawn.  anyway he took the biggest suitcase in the world which was empty on the way and apparently will be full of wine on the way back.....

Mia has her friend Rannveig over for a sleepover, Ben has gone to Aled's for dinner and JC has gone out for the night.  So just me and the girls for dinner tonight.

The snow is almost gone!! Can hardly believe it, three months of snow and ice is finally over.


Marjory said...

Hope you and the girls had a nice evening.

Elaine, Jarle and Mia said...

Hello mum like the new back ground,
I have made there blogs today!
from Mia