Monday, 15 February 2010


We also took a trip to the nearby lake which is still frozen.  Some thoughtful people had got a mini snow plough to clear a track 3km long on the lake for the skaters.  Very popular.  I walked with Zizou while Jarle and Mia skated ALL the way round.  Kvikklunsj (a Norwegian KitKat) and hot blackcurrant juice on the island as a reward.  I can't imagine people in Britain doing this even if the lakes were frozen.  There were whole families with dogs, babies in prams, skating around the island and the rest of the lake was used for ski-ing.  Lovely day.

Didn't take any photos so here is one of the local swans (they don't like Zizou......hissing and honking at him!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elaine,it´s the 21 th Feb today and it´s your birthday!! Happy Birthday Girl!!!1000 Hugs fromLotta