Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Bon weekend

We're back from a lovely weekend trip to Paris.  It rained but somehow we always managed to be inside during the rain showers.  Brunch at La Duree with Lotta was lovely.  Lots of shopping.......

Dinner on Friday night at Maison Blanche (view of the sparkly Eiffel Tower), see pictures of my starter and dessert (main course was not so pretty so didn't take a picture of that!).

Christmas tree under the dome inside Galeries Lafayette

Ben, Mia and Jarle are now all vaccinated against the dreaded swineflu.  Sore arms and tiredness are the side effects.


Marjory said...

Oh it all looks very nice.
Glad you all had a great time.
Hope J,M&B don't feel too bad after jags.

Anonymous said...

wow,Cool picture of the tree!
Hope you have had a nice christmas and we hope to see more of you next year!
happy New year! Lotta,Jonas,W &V