Sunday, 22 March 2009

Revolution walk in Paris

This afternoon I went on the Revolution walk by "Paris Walks" with Joan and Lotta.  It was very interesting as they always are.  Plus the cherry trees in Paris are starting to blossom, very nice.

The walk took us around the Latin Quarter mainly.  The oldest cafe in Paris where many of the revolutionaries would meet to discuss things and various buildings where prominent people of the time lived or in Murat's case, died (stabbed to death in his bath, poor bloke).

The walk ended close to Notre Dame so we walked across the two islands and enjoyed a coffee before heading home.

Happy Birthday Mum!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Elaine. I had a lovely birthday.
Paris looks nice with the trees in blossom.

Anonymous said...

oh jacket "matchar inte" along with the pink tree..
But the tree is beautiful!
See you next week! and thanx again for checking on Milou and Lexus!Lotta