Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Jingle bells Jingle bells.....

It is very cold now in Paris.  Yesterday it snowed and it was really pretty but the snow melted after only a couple of hours.

Today I took the train into Paris with a list of things to get and I was quite successful.  Then I met Jarle for lunch.  We went to Le Petit Poucet which is on the island called Isle de Jatte in the Seine by Neuilly.  Lovely lunch and then I did a tour of the Christmas market at La Defense before going back to school for the kids.

New Santa hats! 


Anonymous said...

Hei. Det var en søt julenisse. Bare 2 uker til julaften.
Klem farmor og farfar

Anonymous said...

Like the hat Mia.
See you soon.
G & G xx