Phew. Jarle and I are back from the whirlwind visit to Antibes to take possession of our new flat. We drove down in a hire car full to the brim with duvets and pillows and plates and goodness knows what all. We stopped overnight about 2 thirds of the way down and then were up early to drive the rest of the way. Our flat is very very cute. I'll try not to use the word small (oops it slipped out) but it is lovely. The terrace is big and we have views from one side of the Alps and views of the sea and the old fort of Antibes. The gardens are all complete and looking great, palm trees, orange trees. The swimming pool is close to our flat and can easily be seen from the terrace so we can watch the kids. The kitchen will be fitted next week and we can´t wait to actually get down there and stay for a while......
Ours is on the top floor on the corner.
It looks really lovely,hope you have a great time staying there.
We look forward to seeing it sometime.
M&D xx
looks wonderful! More pictures!! Lotta
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