Wednesday, 11 June 2008

School´s out - almost....

Last day of school is Friday but as we´re traveling on Friday our kids will miss the last day.  It´s actually just a half day and I can´t imagine that they´ll miss very much.

Ben is off to an artificial lake with his class today for a day of swimming and larking about.  
It´s a strange time of year as so many families are leaving.  That´s what it´s like at an international school I suppose.  I´m glad that we´re staying another year.
Today I´m going to start packing and getting organised for our trip home.  Tomorrow I´m off to Paris with Joan and Lotta for a last day out without kids until after the summer, MUST remember my camera.
Yesterday I got my hair cut and coloured at a different salon.  This one is also walking distance from the house and seemed more professional.  It was a little more expensive (still cheaper than Norway) but I was more impressed with the service.  My stylist was a lovely Italian lady who made sure she understood what I wanted before starting (easier said than done with my awful french and her heavily accented french).  I´m pleased with the result, no more grey hair for a wee while at least.
The men who have been driving a tractor through our garden for the last few weeks finally laid new soil and grass seed in our garden.  Now the pigeons are having a whale of a time!  We were woken this morning about 6 am by excited (I can only presume they were excited) pigeons coo-ing on our bedroom windowsill!  I hope they don´t eat it all!!   


Anonymous said...

Hi cutie!

Anonymous said...

Nice haircut i also had mine cut yesterday.
Mum xx