Sunday, 18 May 2008

Norway´s National Day Parade

We marched around the park in Le Vesinet yesterday in fine weather.  It´s lovely to see so many Norwegians dressed in national costume the bunad.  However, it started to rain very heavily when we had all sat down in the garden of the church.  Luckily most people had brought umbrellas so we coped.  It stopped raining long enough for the speeches and for us to eat.  Then the rain started as we had our coffee.  By then we had to leave anyway to get back to school to collect Ben.  He had a great day yesterday at the Model united nations conference and is back at school today for day two full of enthusiasm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely flowers.
Pity about the rain.
Mia looks lovely and Ben also in his suit. very smart.
Mum&Dad xx