Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Marie Antoinette

Lotta and I visited the Marie Antoinette exhibition at the Grand Palais today.  There was a queue to get in and it was quite crowded inside.  Those with tickets bought in advance walked in ahead of the queue, why didn´t we think of that?  Anyway, the exhibition was very good although we were both a little bit disappointed not to see her clothes and shoes.  Maybe they didn´t survive, after all it´s been over 200 years..... There were paintings, furniture and some decorative items.  The picture is of a mother of pearl writing set.  

I bought a book so I can learn a bit more about the poor unfortunate woman.

Then we had a quick lunch at a nearby Paul cafe and headed up the Champs Elysee a bit, popping into Gap and Zara.  I didn´t buy anything!  Metro then train back to school in time for pick up.  A good day in all.

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