We were packed like sardines on the metro this morning into Paris. There was a "pertubation" on line 1 (I think it means disturbance) which usually runs every 2 minutes no problem. So it took a bit longer than usual to get into the centre. Today we got off at Saint Paul which is right in the area known as Le Marais. This is the Jewish quarter of Paris and is a very interesting area. We were on the hunt for vintage shops (which is the posh and trendy way to describe second hand shops!) which Lotta had made a list of and then accidentally forgotten to take with her. However, she remembered the street names of all the shops on her list and we visited 3 of them. Desire on Rue des Rosiers, Free P Star on Rue de la Verriere and a third one that I can´t remember the name of but it was not so good so never mind. Fun shopping!
This is a rather interesting door in Le Marais.......
And a chic Swedish lady.....

We enjoyed a coffee in a Jewish cafe and then later a quick Starbucks lunch on the pavement in the sunshine.
We even had time to do a little shopping in Du Pareil au meme www.dpam.com very cute clothes for kids.
After school I got my first online food shopping delivery, yippeee. A rather surly man delivered my stuff at exactly 4 0´clock, the agreed time being between 4 and 6, so super no hanging around looking out the window for two hours. Everything as it should be, I think I´ll do this again!
Pizza tonight and tomorrow Jarle comes back from Houston, Texas, yee ha.