Saturday, 29 October 2011

Riding, Football and Halloween

Mia was riding yesterday again, on a horse whose name I have forgotten but he was dark chocolate coloured and very sweet.

Today was a football cup tournament at our local club grounds.  Mia played three games and unfortunately her team did not win today but they are definitely improving and they try their best.

Mia is off to a halloween party this evening at a friend's house, should be fun.

We are trying some sparkling white wines from the Burgundy region of France (not Champagne officially because it is a different part of the country, but basically the same thing but cheaper).  Tried our third one today and we both agree it is the best so far, course I can't remember what it is called........

Clocks go back tonight, winter is looming, Christmas is just around the corner.....
Mia in her riding gear with Leira from last week (Tip; riding gear is much cheaper and more choice in France!)

Saturday, 22 October 2011


is curled up happily on the Bob the Builder bean bag right now.

Yesterday he got a haircut.  Transformed from shaggy sheep to whippet like schnauzer.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Paris and then South

We arrived on Friday evening in Paris and drove straight to Phoebe\s house!  Mia stayed with Phoebe until Sunday afternoon.  So me Jarle and Ben spent some time in rainy Paris, shopping, walking and eating.  Cold and rainy weather.  Sunday we set off for Beaune in the Burgundy area of France, about 3 hours south of Paris.  We stayed at a lovely hotel called Hotel de la Paix then continued South in the morning.  The weather improved en route and we stopped for lunch and some chocolate and wine shopping in Tain L`Hermitage.  If you ever see ValRhona chocolate in the shops, that is where it comes from!

Monday evening we arrived at the flat and have settled in for some relaxing days.  Yesterday we spent a few hours at the beach, the sea temperature is still quite warm, even for me.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

As promised

Photo of Mia with horse.  This was "Merkur" and last week she rode "Leira".  All the horses at the stables are Iceland Horses, very sturdy and chunky.  We went for quite a long walk in a nearby area.  I wish I was on a horse!  I was trudging through the mud and trying to keep up......  Mia did very well, even when Merkur kept trying to eat grass and trees!  Oh and the weather was gorgeous, 20C and sunshine.