Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Painter & decorators gone - yipee

Two full weeks of mess and inconvenience is finally over.  Bit of a struggle trying to communicate with them, turns out they were from Lithuania.  They arrived and left and different times EVERY day, never knew when they might turn up.  So pleased to get my house back.  They did a very good job though, very thorough and professional.

My pictures don't do it justice, but here goes anyway.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Countdown to Christmas

The weather is cold, the trees are bare and the shops are full of Christmas stuff.  It must be just around the corner.

Jarle and I had a great weekend in London recently.  Winetasting (of course) at the Landmark Hotel.  Shopping on Oxford Street and Regent Street (fab big Desigual shop on Regent Street.....).  We went to see the Queen musical "We will rock you".......... good fun.

M&D were here to look after the kids and dog, thanks so much.  Then this last weekend we had a visit from Silje who took care of Mia when we went out to a dinner with entertainment at Jarle's work.  Great food and super entertainment.

Painters in at the moment, hiding downstairs to keep out of their way.  Such a mess!!!!!! AGH!  It WILL be lovely when it's finished, I keep telling myself.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Last weekend at

the cabin.  We had a short trip to the cabin with Mia and her friend Rannveig.  The girls had lots of fun trying to catch crabs and giggling!

Whilst out walking with Zizou I saw several unusual birds that looked quite exotic.  Finally tracked down what they were and here is a picture (not one I took obviously).

It is a waxwing or sidensvans in Norwegian.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The weekend before last

we enjoyed a weekend in Bergen visiting family.

The weather was good.  We even had time to visit the aquarium.