Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Bob the builder

Yesterday the joiner/builder man who fitted our kitchen came round to see what we would like done to the house. The list is quite long..... We wait to see what price he comes up with.

The garden man has not got back to us yet......

p.s. the pizza was very good

Tuesday, 29 September 2009


Zizou got a haircut on Sunday. Poor wee crater, he cried. It was a bit traumatic actually. Not sure if I want to do that again.....

So now he has lost some of his puppy look. But of course he is still gorgeous.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Pizza night

So, JC, Ben and Mia have volunteered to "make" pizza tonight. Usually I buy frozen pizza or we buy from the Pizza Bakery near our house. BUT they are going to make it from scratch......

Looking forward to relaxing on the sofa with a glass of something nice.

No suitable picture so here is yet another one of my little twinkle cutie pie (and Ben).

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Weekend in London

Yesterday I got busy on the internet and booked a trip for me and Jarle. We are going to the Decanter Magazine fine wine event in London in November. I booked Jarle for the two day event but decided that one day would be enough for me so I can fit something else into the second day instead (i.e. shopping!!).

We are staying at the Landmark Hotel where the event is taking place.

Monday, 21 September 2009


View from the side of the cabin

We spent a lovely weekend at our cabin. The weather was really good on Saturday, we even ate lunch outside. It rained a lot on Sunday but it didn't matter. We took a short trip to Mandal for essential supplies (wine) and Zizou joined us. He is all over the place on the lead and even pulls his head out of his collar sometimes. A bit worrying in a busy town centre.....

Friday, 18 September 2009

Weather forecast???

Off to yoga in a few minutes.....

Then this afternoon we are driving down to the cabin for the weekend. The forecast according to (try it, it's in english too, worldwide weather) is good, so fingers crossed. Mind you, "good" is 14 degrees and not raining (oh be quiet about the rain Elaine!).

Anyway, we will have a lovely cosy time I'm sure, and Zizou will have a fine time.

Picture of Mia's catch of the day last time we were at the cabin.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Must stop complaining

about the rain. Guess what? It has hardly rained at all for the last week.

This week we hired a container to put the hedge in (did I mention that we cut it down?). What we thought would be a five minute job turned out to more like two hours plus raking the lawn afterwards. Bits of hedge everywhere, including inside the house as Zizou thinks it is great fun to carry twigs around and then leave them wherever he is. Anyway, job done. We plan to replace the fence with a lovely stone this space....

Meanwhile another "project" of ours is to get new stairs inside the house. We had a stair man round to measure up and he said our stairs are far too big and we don't need a landing halfway. We can have much more modern and smaller stairs which will give us more room downstairs. Off to the showroom we shall go, to look at different models. p.s. we didn't get a price from the stair man yet.........

Monday, 14 September 2009

Sunny Weekend

We had lovely weather yesterday and managed to get out of the house by 10.30! We drove to a place called Arboret which is a managed forest with rare and unusual trees. There are lots of tracks and little ponds and picnic areas, it's very pretty. Zizou had a wonderful time. He was soooo excited he was shaking and whimpering when we arrived. He walked happily for about an hour and met lots of people and dogs. No wonder he was exhausted the rest of the day.

Then when I was out later poor Zizou got stung by a bee. Apparently he came in from the garden looking for Jarle and he was crying and pawing at his face. He seemed fine when I got home and I couldn't find a red or swollen area so maybe it wasn't a full sting. The bee was examined and seemed to still have its sting so not so bad after all..... oh the drama of owning a dog!

Friday, 11 September 2009

Windy on the beach

Having trouble getting Zizou to walk. He just wants to sit down and eat grass! Usually he perks up when we get further from the house. Down at the beach yesterday afternoon he enjoyed chewing seaweed for a change and dipping his feet in the water.

It was very cute when we met another schnauzer. It was a black and silver one and it looked just like him but bigger. Zizou is very keen to meet and greet everyone and every dog that passes us when out walking. Unfortunately not everyone wants to stop and admire him, I just don't understand it.

Om Shanti

Off to yoga this morning.....

Old picture of me and Mia practicing yoga at the cabin.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Nothing much

happening this week. It's raining a LOT. Zizou met his vet yesterday and was quite happy with the experience. Mia is off to a birthday party at one of those noisy indoor play gym places (hope it's better than Ludimax!).