Monday, 31 August 2009


Quick trip to the cabin at the weekend. It rained a lot! What a surprise eh?
Zizou loved the cabin, especially all the long grass he could romp about in. We were pleased that he felt at home there.
We have hired a car to use until we get a new one as the Saab is just too sad to drive around in. Jarle will be ordering the new company car through work this week but the delivery time is 4 months or something ridiculous like that. We have decided (somewhat wishy washily) on a Toyota verso in dark purple, groovy colour or what? It looks almost black really, sort of very dark aubergine colour.

Anyway, raining again today. Trying to keep control of the puppy who loves to run away with socks, pants, well whatever he can carry really.......

Thursday, 27 August 2009


Aggghhh it is not even September yet and the weather is so Autumn-like. It absolutely poured with rain all morning. Mia and Ben set off to school with rain jackets and rain cover for the rucksack. Poor Zizou looked like a drowned rat after going out to wee in the garden.

I hope I can cope with this weather, it will just get worse from now on. Lotta, do you need a lodger?

On the positive side, I have found a yoga class to join on Friday mornings run by a good friend of a good friend. I'll let you know how it goes.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009


Can't get enough of him. Even when he wakes me at 1.30 am to go out for a pee!

Saturday, 22 August 2009


The weather is changing every five minutes, what am I supposed to wear?

Today we have borrowed a Toyota verso for a test drive. Hmmm I prefer the Renault scenic but the new version of that does not come out in Norway til October or something. We might check out Citroen too. Jarle and I ordered a big comfy chair with matching poufee (which Jarle has wanted for years) and a glass cabinet thingy in "old" white. This is the start of our re decorating the living room.......

Some more pictures from our holiday. The lovely small hotel we stayed in in La Morra in northern Italy. Very nice place indeed. A picture from Eze, a tiny walled village 400metres above sea level close to Nice. Then a picture from Cassis, near Marseille where we stayed for two nights.

Thursday, 20 August 2009


Mia and her Danish friend Amalie on the beach at sunset.
Enjoying the pool!

Well, Mia has started 3rd class at the local primary school and Ben has started 9th class at the local inbetween primary and secondary (different system here in Norway). Jarle working his socks off in his new job and I am chief puppy attendant.

Zizou is doing really well. He enjoys little walks and is doing most of his business in the garden and not in the house. He still sleeps in his crate in our room but I'm not sure how much longer that will go on because his rumbling about in the night is waking Jarle........

JC is enjoying fresher week at his college and generally everything is fine. I am still trying to get some order in the house, we have too much stuff!

It is blawing a hoolie gale today but about 22 degrees so can't complain.

Here are some pics from our holiday in Antibes which seems such a long time ago now. Our flat is lovely, the area has loads to offer and the weather was wonderful. Oh and the wine cellar is stacked.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Elaine in Stavanger!

I need to change the name of my blog I think. We are all in the red house now and our number has increased to 6. Today we welcomed home Zizou, our 8 week old miniature schnauzer. Is he cute or what?