Wednesday, 18 February 2009


Yesterday, Jarle and I went to lunch at a restaurant called "Apicius".  This was my birthday and Valentine treat.  Very posh!  We drove into the garden at the front of the lovely mansion and the parking man took our car.  Inside there seemed to be dozens of staff.  Our table was in a cosy corner of a room, the restaurant was spread through several rooms.

We had a lovely lunch with wine.  My starter was gorgeous, it was a potato thingy with truffles..... Jarle was not so impressed with his crayfish starter but the main courses were excellent.  I had a risotto (see picture) and Jarle had lamb.

Very chocolatey dessert then coffee to follow.  We felt very fat indeed afterwards.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Centre Pompidou

Yesterday I went with Mia's class on a field trip with their art teacher to the Pompidou centre.  This is the "inside out" building which houses the modern art museum.  Inside out because the lifts, corridors and various pipes etc are on the outside of the building! First we went to a shadow exhibition where the children could try out their artistic skills.......then we looked at the work of two artists.  Interesting but modern art is not my thing.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Sunday, 8 February 2009

More snow!!!

Friday, 6 February 2009


Mia's French class presented a play today for the parents.  Mia played the part of Grandmere (grandmother) and Wilhelm was a knife and fork!

Very Cute

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Nothing happening

It's cold.  

Jarle and I are really looking forward to our South Africa trip.