Monday, 19 January 2009


Coffee morning today at Joanna's.  It was nice and we got to see a couple of "skins" that her husband's tarantulas had shed recently!

Doing a bit of tidying up around the house right now and then I'll be off to school to collect the kids.

p.s. all the snow has long gone......

Monday, 12 January 2009

Walking on water

Today at last the temperature rose about zero.  The snow and ice is melting fast.  However yesterday it was still cold and me, Ben and Mia went for a walk ON the lake.  There were loads of people on the lake but I was still pretty cautious about the whole thing.  Especially when it started creaking.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Back to School

Today was the first day back to school after the Christmas Holidays.  It was minus 8 degrees this morning!!!  Ben and I spent 10 minutes scraping ice and snow off the car, then Mia had to climb into the back seat from the front because the back doors were frozen shut.  We took the main road to school instead of our usual short cut incase the roads were not clear.  Big mistake, the traffic was terrible and we ended up being ten minutes late for school despite leaving the house 20 minutes early.  Never mind.  I had a good chat with Lotta over a coffee at school.  She had a fantastic time in the Dominican Republic.  After a trip to Super U, I went to Joan's for a coffee and some of her mum's Christmas cake, lovely.

Monday, 5 January 2009

Let it snow let it snow.....

It has been gently snowing all day today.  Mia and I walked to the big Casino to get something for dinner.  It's not so cold but the forecast is for freezing temperatures tonight.  School may even be closed tomorrow, we have to wait for an announcement early tomorrow morning.

Trains are on strike too.......


Sunday, 4 January 2009

Cccccold Paris

Colder here than in Norway!!
Here are a couple of pictures taken in Bergen this weekend.