Monday, 29 December 2008

Christmas "space"

We are having a lovely time at the red house. Christmas Eve was celebrated Norwegian style so Granny and Granda got to open their presents a day early! The weather has been pretty good, cold but dry with a bit of sun. 

Jarle having a wine tasting this evening with some friends so I am going to go out in a wee while to visit Wendy.

By the way Christmas space is what the days between Christmas and New Year is called in Norwegian, "romjul".

Friday, 19 December 2008

Ready for Christmas

The bags are packed.  The washing is up to date.  School is over for the year.  Granda has his instructions to make "mealie dumpling".  We are ready......I think

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Christmas Concert

Last night was the 2nd to 5th grade concert at school.  It was lovely to see the children on stage proudly playing recorder and singing.  

Saturday, 13 December 2008


We popped in to the Christmas market at La Defense this morning.  Ben was at school at a Model United Nations Conference all day.  He was elected as Best Delegate!
Jarle and Mia did some secret shopping while I took the metro to Champs Elysee to do my own secret shopping.......

Friday, 12 December 2008


I've done Versailles several times but this time it was with a guide on our Friday tour group.  It is freezing cold outside so it was a very good idea to have an indoor tour!  -4 degrees.

The tour was interesting and very good.  There is a temporary exhibition inside the Chateau at the moment by an American artist called Jeff Koons.  Very Very strange to see "pop" art in the chateau of Versailles to say the least.  Michael Jackson and giant balloon dogs......

The hall of mirrors is very impressive.  Especially when you think that mirrors were so difficult to make and hugely expensive at that time.


Aren't they cute?  I just want to take them inside and keep them......

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Jingle bells Jingle bells.....

It is very cold now in Paris.  Yesterday it snowed and it was really pretty but the snow melted after only a couple of hours.

Today I took the train into Paris with a list of things to get and I was quite successful.  Then I met Jarle for lunch.  We went to Le Petit Poucet which is on the island called Isle de Jatte in the Seine by Neuilly.  Lovely lunch and then I did a tour of the Christmas market at La Defense before going back to school for the kids.

New Santa hats! 

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Flying past

The week is flying past.  I have ticked off several people from my Christmas shopping list, yippee.  It's freezing cold in Paris and raining a lot!  
Ben and Mia have three advent calenders each!!   Counting down the days now..........